Wednesday, December 15, 2010

what I have managed with 9 adult years

student loans: $45,000
unpaid medical bills: $900
unpaid cellphone bill: $200
borrowed from Ona: $350

money in my bank account: 5.46 US dollars
money in my wallet: 70 euros, 15 british pounds

rent: 175 euros per month

income: 0

posessions: suitcase of clothes, 5 books, ipod mini, old running shoes, leather boots, good college education, mediocre dance skills/abilities, a blog, a 2006 refurbished dell laptop, fractured dreams, depression, anxiety, shame.

accomplishments: solution work, university of california san diego, dance, psychology, physical strength, movement skills, friends and family, love, traveling to 11 different countries on 7 different continents, intermediate levels of Spanish and Catalan, compassion for human experience, running 12 miles once.

upcoming challenges: admitting that I have failed financially and in the realms of building an adult career/profession. Recovering from the financial debt of the US educational institution. Finding work and working hard, getting over my dreams and becoming a jaded adult, excusing my embarrassing attempt at being a dancer and submitting to the power of the middle class rat race- children, wife, house, and all.

Here's to my cynicism in the new year!

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